Denise’s Corner
Alzheimer’s disease could be controlled with Resveratrol supplements: Research
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Submitted by Diane Hoffman on Sun, 09/13/2015
Alzheimer’s disease could be controlled with Resveratrol supplements: Research
A new research has indicated that a biomarker for Alzheimer’s disease can be impacted by intake of Resveratrol, a compound found in dark chocolate, red grapes and red wine. As Resveratrol can stabilize amyloid-beta40 levels in the blood and cerebrospinal fluid, it can reduce the formation of plaque in the brain.
Sale! Resveratrol Longevity Formula 98% PureNow with 100 mg Pure Red Grape ResveratrolEquivalent to over 1000 mg of standard Resveratrol $49.95 $39.95 ADD TO CARTResveratrol is a compound found in abundance in red grapes, dark chocolate and red wine. It has been earlier credited for offering many health benefits and this is the reason, health studies conducted in the past have suggested eating dark chocolate and drinking moderate amount of red wine as a healthy option. A study conducted by medical researchers at Georgetown University has found that Resveratrol also affects an Alzheimer’s disease biomarker.
The research team found that amyloid-beta40 levels in the blood and cerebrospinal fluid remained stable among individuals who were given Resveratrol in their diet. For control group which was not given Resveratrol, the level of amyloid-beta40 witnessed a decline.
The research team conducted a double-blind, placebo controlled study. The study group included 119 participants, all with mild-to-moderate Alzheimer’s. The group given Resveratrol had mean age of 70 years while the placebo group had mean age of 73 years.
Amyloid-beta levels in Alzheimer’s patients decrease in the cerebrospinal fluid and deposit in the brain. These deposits become insoluble and lead to plaque formation, considered as a major reason for debilitating condition. The insoluble plaque ultimately leads to death of the nerve cells in the brain.
The research team added that additional studies will be needed before they could recommend people to increase their intake of dark chocolate and red wine.
The study has been published in Friday edition of the journal Neurology. The research team suggests that Resveratrol activates proteins called sirtuins. These proteins are also activated by calorie restriction, and may have anti-aging effects.
“It’s showing us a new mechanism, or a new pathway, towards Alzheimer’s treatments,” lead researcher Dr. R. Scott Turner, director of the Memory Disorders Program at Georgetown University Medical Center in Washington, D.C. said. “This is targeting amyloid in an indirect way,” Dr. Turner said.
The research team indicated that the Resveratrol given to the study subjects was equivalent of Resveratrol found in 10,000 bottles of red wine. This indicates that there will be a little positive impact of drinking red wine but as little as 50mg of pure red grape Resveratrol in supplement form would have the same effect and be a practical method of taking the required amount.
Sale! Resveratrol Longevity Formula 98% PureNow with 100 mg Pure Red Grape ResveratrolEquivalent to over 1000 mg of standard Resveratrol $49.95 $39.95 ADD TO CARTGood Life Labs Resveratrol
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EDTA Removes Plaque from arteries
With a result that will surprise many (but not us), the largest trial of EDTA Chelation Therapy was undertaken by the National Institute of Health
The test followed 1,708 patients with coronary disease. A major benefit was found to be the substantially reduced need for surgical intervention to relieve blocked arteries. This was true to an even greater extent in patients who also had diabetes.
The results of this study confirm what we hear from our customers on a daily basis and, although the results have been marked by the medical profession as preliminary and requiring further study, for many there is good reason not to wait.
With virtually no side effects and a very reasonable cost, Oral Chelation Therapy is an available and affordable solution for many who wish to maintain heart health and keep their arteries free from plaque.
Good Life Labs Oral Chelating Formula – Maximum Strength – contains 500mg of EDTA together with over 40 vitamins, minerals and herbs that are known to support a health heart.
Find out more about how Good Life Labs Oral Chelating Formula can provide the same benefits to you and order your supplies today at
Good Life Labs Customer Mrs M. from Gaffney, SC. remembers the day her husband visited the doctor for chronic heart disease. “They gave him six months to live”.
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“I will always be grateful to Good Life Labs and Oral Chelating Formula. They gave me 10 mo0re wonderful years with my husband. I strongly recommend taking Oral Chelating Formula and giving it to the ones you love”.
How does EDTA Chelation therapy work? (Part four)
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Another article (Anderson, Hubacek, Wyse, and Knudtson, 2003) looked for evidence to see whether or not EDTA dilates arteries, which would support the theory of its increasing nitric oxide production in the endothelial cells.
This double-blind, randomized study investigated the impact of infusions of EDTA with vitamins and minerals versus placebo (vitamins and minerals only) on endothelium-dependent brachial artery flow-mediated vasodilation in subjects with coronary artery disease who were also being “optimally treated with proven therapies for atherosclerotic risk factors.” The researchers found significant differences in flow-mediated vasodilation between the treatment and placebo groups.
How does EDTA Chelation therapy work? (Part three)
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Other research has yielded some information about the possible mechanisms of EDTA in the body. A study published in Free Radical Biology and Medicine (Hininger et al., 2005) investigated whether the large doses of vitamin C (an antioxidant) typically administered with EDTA therapy might actually have a prooxidant effect.
EDTA Oral Chelating Formula from Good Life LabsThe researchers gave two different groups of subjects EDTA with and without 5 g vitamin C and found that indeed the biochemical measurements of free radicals were markedly increased soon after therapy in the vitamin C group compared to the group that did not receive vitamin C. However, over the course of 16 treatments, the researchers found that despite the prooxidant activity directly following each treatment, the long-term effects were antioxidant. They suggested that this therapy might be beneficial to patients with heart disease and diabetes because the long term effects involved protection against lipid peroxidation.
They also noted that “[t]he effects of multiple sessions of chelation therapy, without added vitamin C during the chelation session, may lead to even more beneficial effects and need to be determined.” While this study is far from conclusive, it indicates that a component of the typical chelation treatment is likely beneficial, and it suggests fairly specific further study to continue learning about the potential antioxidant effects of EDTA.

Other theories of how EDTA works have also been put forward. Since EDTA can bind to many different metals, it can trade one metal for another for which it has a higher affinity as it travels through the body. This process theoretically has the potential to move trace elements from areas of high concentration (which, according to the cited research, can form in diseased tissue) to other areas where the elements can be of benefit in facilitating healthy enzymatic activity.
What is perhaps a more commonly understood function of EDTA, the binding and removal of heavy metals that can interfere with enzymatic processes (although in mainstream practice this treatment is only used for known or suspected cases of heavy metal poisoning.
Yet another explanation for cardiovascular improvements after treatment with EDTA is that the removal of heavy metals leads to increased production of nitric oxide in the endothelial cells, causing the arteries to relax and improving flow.
These explanations mostly center on the cardiovascular effects of ETDA, but its proponents think it is effective on a wide range of conditions. One website explains how EDTA can achieve such broad improvements by saying that once the arteries are opened and the blood flow reestablished, other cells “downstream” will no longer be deprived of nutrients or the opportunity to eliminate waste. The healing of these cells then ameliorates a number of diseases.
How does EDTA Chelation therapy work? (Part one)
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Many theories have been put forward for consideration [to explain how EDTA Chelation works.] One of the more common explanations is that EDTA binds to the calcium in arterial plaques and removes it, thus breaking up the plaque.
Some people express concern over the binding of calcium, thinking that this process must also strip away calcium from the bones and teeth. Proponents of the theory explain that the calcium is only removed from inappropriate locations such as the arteries. Garry Gordon, M.D., D.O., adds that the binding of calcium is actually good for the bones. Reduced serum calcium levels stimulate the parathyroid gland to secrete parathormone, which not only causes the restoration of appropriate calcium levels but also activates bone-strengthening osteoblasts, effectively reversing the course of osteoporosis.
EDTA Removes Plaque from arteriesCranton, however, rejects the whole theory of removing calcium from plaques as outdated. He favors explanations involving more recent research into the area of free radical pathology. Cranton explains that free radicals can disrupt many other important molecules around them and have been implicated in the promotion of atherosclerosis, cancer, and the basic decline in human health with age. He says that EDTA binds to and removes a particular form of iron that can catalyze the formation of free radicals.
EDTA Oral Chelating Formula promotion
4 Reasons to consider using EDTA Oral Chelating Formula
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EDTA Oral Chelation has a rejuvenating effect on the body, slowing down the biological clock of aging because of its powerful anti-oxidant, free-radical scavenging ability. EDTA is a weak, synthetic amino acid related to vinegar that was developed by the Germans in 1931 as a solution for heavy-metal poisoning (due to the ingestion of lead, mercury, aluminum, cadmium, etc.). It also has been found to have a wide range of positive results in many other health conditions.
Here are four reasons to consider EDTA Oral Chelating Formula
1. Cardiovascular disease is today’s number one killer. EDTA can be the solution to many people’s health problems, because it cleans out the cardiovascular system not only of heavy metals, but also of the plaque and calcium that restricts and impedes the flow of blood and oxygen to the organs and extremities. In an 18-year study, Dr. Walter Blumer of Switzerland used EDTA to reduce the incidence of heart disease and cancer in his patients by 80 percent.
2. EDTA offers a solution for reversing osteoporosis or bone loss. Through a complex action of the parathyroid gland, EDTA actually stimulates bone growth. Thus, while it’s removing calcium from plaque in blood vessels, EDTA has the ability to make bones stronger and denser. Women have reported the reversal of bone loss in as little as two months using EDTA Oral Chelation.
3. Persons having diabetes can benefit from EDTA Oral Chelation. It has produced great results in diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, cataracts, floaters, and preventing diabetic gangrene by restoring blood flow and circulation to the body extremities and appendages.
4. If you or someone you know is on any kind of blood thinner, be aware that people can get off these drugs with the use of EDTA Oral Chelation. A 31-page supplement published in the British medical journal Lancet in November 1996 pointed out that common anti-clotting drugs such as aspirin and coumadin are effective against only one-third of the cases of excessive platelet aggregation and coagulation. None of them gets at the whole problem. EDTA, on the other hand, appears to work against all clotting mechanisms, acting as a preventative in keeping the blood sufficiently thin so that one does not fall victim to heart attack and stroke.
Excerpted from EDTA Oral Chelation: Four Reasons to Consider It by Dr. Thomas S. Lee, NMD downloaded on 12/15/12
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Here are some tips on how to have a happy, healthy holiday from us here at Good Life Labs! 5 Tips on having a Happy & healthy Holiday seasonFor many of us, the holidays have turned into the season of more! More food, drink, socializing, and stress… all of which takes a toll on our physical and emotional health. Here are some common-sense tips to help you navigate the holiday season in a happy, healthy way. Here are five ways to keep your health over the holidays:
Tip #1: Shop Well For Yourself It is more important then ever to stock your kitchen with healthy foods. Keep healthy snacks handy. The more convenient they are, the more likely you are to eat them. Instead of thinking about what you shouldn’t eat, promise to eat your 3 to 5 servings of vegetables each day. Tips #2: Schedule Your Exercise Your schedule will be very hectic this holiday season. Schedule your workouts just as you would any other appointment. It’s ok if you can’t make it to class, but make sure that you get some activity in at least three days per week. Tip #3: Support your immune system with supplements Added calories, carbohydrates, alcohol consumption puts stress on the body’s immune system. An easy way to protect the body’s natural ability to detoxify and fight off winter colds is to take an anti-oxidant supplement like Good Life Labs Resveratrol Longevity Formula. Resveratrol is a powerful poly-phenol that safely and naturally remove free radicals and other toxins from the body. Tip #4: Skip the Baking Do you make baked goods for giving? Chances are you eat much of what you bake. Who wouldn’t? Instead make non-food gifts or prepare ingredients for baked goods and put them in pretty jars–let your gift recipient bake it up. That way, they can eat it when they want it and you don’t have to be tempted in the kitchen. Tip #5: Hydrate Keep your water bottle with you at all times. You should be drinking eight, 8-oz glasses of water each day. One handy trick is to buy a 64 ounce water jug. Fill it up in the morning and know that you need to finish it by the end of the day.EDTA Chelation Therapy – Background & History
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Chelation therapy is a treatment that involves repeated administration of the amino acid ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, or EDTA. It is used to treat acute and chronic lead poisoning by pulling toxins (including heavy metals such as lead, cadmium, and mercury) from the bloodstream. The word chelate comes from the Greek root chele, which means “to claw.” EDTA has a claw like molecular structure that binds to heavy metals and other toxins.
EDTA chelation therapy is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a treatment for lead and heavy metal poisoning. It is also used as an emergency treatment for hypercalcemia (excessive calcium levels) and the control of ventricular arrhythmias (abnormal heart rhythms) associated with digitalis toxicity.
Studies by the National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council in the late 1960s indicated that EDTA was considered possibly effective in the treatment of arteriosclerosis (blocked arteries). However, most well designed studies have found that it is not effective for heart disease. In fact, many medical organizations — including the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the American Medical Association (AMA), the American Heart Association (AHA), and the American College of Cardiology (ACC) — have publicly criticized and denounced the practice of EDTA chelation therapy for heart disease.
Proponents of chelation therapy for heart disease claim that EDTA, combined with oral vitamins and minerals, helps dissolve plaques and mineral deposits associated with atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). But most reports about using chelation for heart disease have been based on case studies and a few animal studies that may not apply to people. Also, several large scale clinical trials published in peer reviewed journals have found that EDTA chelation therapy is no better than placebo in improving symptoms of heart disease. Some medical experts note that the theories about why chelation might help treat atherosclerosis depend on an outdated understanding of how heart disease develops (see Uses section). Finally, and probably most important, the safety of EDTA chelation therapy for people with heart disease is not known.
The NIH National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) is funding a study to examine whether EDTA is effective for heart disease. Results are expected in a few years.
AtherosclerosisSo far, there is no good evidence that EDTA chelation therapy is effective for heart disease. Proponents believe it may help people with atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) or peripheral vascular disease (decreased blood flow to the legs) by clearing clogged arteries and improving blood flow. However, the few studies that show it may help have been poorly designed, making the results questionable.
The theory that EDTA clears clogged arteries and improves blood flow is based on an outdated model about what causes heart disease. Other newer theories include the possibility that EDTA functions like an antioxidant, preventing damaging molecules known as free radicals from injuring blood vessel walls and allowing plaque to build up. These ideas are just theories, however.
Most good clinical studies examining EDTA chelation therapy for heart disease and vascular disorders have found that it is no better than placebo. For example, one scientifically rigorous study comparing EDTA chelation therapy to placebo in 84 people with heart disease concluded that those receiving EDTA chelation did no better than those receiving placebo in terms of changes in exercise capacity and quality of life. Several studies evaluating EDTA chelation therapy for peripheral vascular disease did not find any difference between those receiving EDTA and those receiving placebo.
Excerpted from University of Maryland medical center